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I teach multiple courses in comparative politics, international relations, and US politics, from introductory to upper-level courses in all three areas. Several of my courses have also been cross-listed courses with geography and gender studies departments, which have helped bring students from those majors more awareness of political science. I have been fortunate enough to teach at four different universities: Loyola University Chicago, Arrupe College (a community college affiliated with Loyola University Chicago), Lake Forest College, and Dominican University and have experience teaching classes both in-person and fully online.


In the 2022-2023 academic year I was a finalist for the Magis Part-Time Award for Teacher-Practitioners from Loyola University Chicago.


A full list of the courses I have taught with some sample syllabi are below. Please contact me for more information.

Courses Taught

Comparative Politics

  • Geography and International Politics – Dominican University (Fall 2022)

  • Introduction to Comparative Politics (partial semester taught during a colleague’s paternity leave) – Loyola University Chicago (Spring 2022)

  • Democracy – Loyola University Chicago (Fall 2021)

International Relations

  • Introduction to International Relations – Loyola University Chicago (Spring 2022)

  • International LGBTQ Politics – Loyola University Chicago (Fall 2020 and Spring 2022)

U.S. Politics

  • Introduction to American Politics – Loyola University Chicago (Fall 2022, Spring 2023, and Fall 2023)

  • Introduction to American Politics – Arrupe College (Fall 2023)

  • Introduction to American Politics – Lake Forest College (Fall 2021 and Spring 2023)

  • US LGBTQ Politics – Lake Forest College (Spring 2021 and Spring 2022)

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