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I study democracy, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The primary focus of my current book project is on one-party dominant states and if those states are capable of maintaining the level electoral playing field needed to be considered democratic. Other works in progress analyze democratic consolidation in countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the impact of gender quotas on public perceptions of democracy in the region, and one paper that is an analysis on the misperceptions on government redistribution programs in OECD countries. My research also includes a focus on geography and how it impact local and international politics.

Publications and Works in Progress

“Africa: A Geographic Preface.” In Peter Schraeder, ed. Understanding Contemporary Africa (6th ed.) (Boulder: Lynne Rienner). Fall 2020.

“Explaining Public Support for Government Redistribution in the Developed World: The Gap between Subjective Perceptions and Objective Benefits” coauthored with Dr. Vincent Mahler. – under review.

“Democratic Consolidation in Lesotho: Prime Minister Thabane and the Ninth Amendment.” – under review.

“Can a State by One be a State for All? One-party Dominance and Democracy.” – book project in progress.

“The Effect of Gender Quotas on Public Perceptions of Democracy in sub-Saharan Africa.” – in progress.


The best way to contact me is via email: ahii at luc dot edu

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